

Goopubtag is a modern solution for Google Publisher tag (opens in a new tab) in React applications. It was heavily inspired by the widely used react-dfp (opens in a new tab) package, and aims to provide a similar DX but with some improvements:

  • Functional approach (with hooks) 🪝
  • Type safety with typescript 🎉
  • Ease of use with debug mode 🛠️
  • Support for most recent GPT implementations 🚀

To get started, head over to setup to see how you can integrate goopubtag into your application.

About Google Publisher Tag

While the purpose of this library is to help developers integrate GPT into their react applications with ease, it's good when debugging to not only search these docs but also the GPT documentation. This library is ultimately a react-ified wrapper around GPT. A simplified version of how it all works is:

  1. A script is added to the document head tag.
  2. This script will (among other things), retrieve JS methods which it attaches directly to the window.
  3. These JS methods allow us to configure GPT within our website.

This library then exposes these JS methods via context and component props, as well as via hooks. While we try to be exhaustive in exposing everything GPT has to offer, a full reference and samples of what you can do can be found here:

If there is any features provided by GPT that are not supported by goopubtag, feel free to create an issue/reach out so we get it added (PRs welcome!)